

Algeria historically represents our first ever tourist destination, our ‘starting block’ for an adventure that began in 1977: here Spazi d’Avventura, in fact, proposed the first expedition trips, off-road, trekking and purely mountaineering trips, to that restricted niche of Italian travellers, anxious to get to know ‘the Great Desert’, then still little known to tourism. It is therefore for us a ‘historic’ destination that, after years of stop, we more than willingly resume by proposing travel solutions where it is possible to travel in total freedom.

Our trips to the Algerian desert take place on foot and by off-road vehicle, in the Tassili n’Ajjer and the Erg of Admer in the Djanet region, in the Tadrart Acacus that laps the Ténéré and in the Hoggar mountains in the Tamanrasset region: a selection of trips that offers travellers a unique experience, a true Saharan adventure in the company of the Tuareg, nomads of the desert, in an environment rich in colour, fantasy and mineral wonders, surrounded by beautiful nature.

Travel to Algeria: surreal landscapes of the Tadrart Acacus, rock paintings of Tassili n'Ajjer, Sahara desert tour and Tuareg culture
A trip to Algeria is an excellent opportunity, not too long and easily accessible, for a Saharan ‘first’ or for a cultural deepening for those who have already had other Saharan experiences.

Not to be underestimated is an extension, or a trip in itself, to the magnificent capital city of Algiers, the ‘white city’, and to the astonishing ruins of the Roman cities of Tipasa, overlooking the sea, Djemila, Timgad and Lambesis in the mountains, and Constantine, the city of bridges perched on a limestone monolith, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

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